Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fieldwork Assignment: Sculpture

In my group we decided to choose sculptures as our literacy fact.  In class last Thursday we talked about the different kinds of art we could do and what seemed interesting around campus.  All of us agreed that sculptures seemed the most interesting and everyone in my group had already done a sculpture, well except for me.  We thought it would be a good idea for each of us to pick a sculpture we wanted to dig deeper into and go from there.

I chose the one that is in front of  the Rowe Arts building to the left as you walk up the stairs.  I figured people see it frequently since it is right there ya know?  Our group came up with a few questions that we would ask random people passing by the sculptures. 

So since I cannot upload a picture of the sculpture I will just describe it to you.  It is made out of sticks.  Like from a tree.  It embodies a man.  One of the legs is slightly in front of the other and the same goes for the mans arm.  However he has no feet or hands and the top of the head is not inclosed.  It is almost like the ends of his body kinda flow outward in different ways.  My perception of the sculpture from the way he was standing was that he was trying to get somewhere and the limbs of his body were open and going in all different directions, just his mind should be to different places and ideas. 

I interviewed two people today (yes only two because it was freezing cold outside and no one wanted to stop.)  One of the people I talked to was actually an art major so I was anxious to see what she had to say about the object.  She said, "It looks like one leg is full and the other kind of tapers off.  From the right it looks like a long arm but it looks different depending on where you stand.  It is a very odd representation of human form but I think the author was trying to give him the title of being broken, unfulfilled and unfinished."  The other person I interviewed was a guy and his thoughts were a little different.  He said, "I think it is a very interesting piece that I have never payed close attention to.  It looks almost depressing and since it is made out of sticks it has that bare, boring look to it.  I would be interested to know what the story is behind this interesting piece." 

I think a lot of people over look the sculptures we have here at UNC Charlotte, I know I did.  But there is so much more to it then just what you see on the outside of it.  Each piece had some kind of story behind it. 


  1. Hi Arin,

    I though this reading was interesting. First off, I thought it was cool that you conducted interviews event though it was freezing outside. The sculpture you described seems interesting (it had arms and other features protruding in different directions). Although, I pictured the piece being made of stone rather than bricks (I don't know why?)...Anyways I'll try to visit the sculpture and just wondering what made you pick this sculpture?

  2. Hey Arin, I loved how you used interviews! It never even occurred to me that we could do that! :) You are right about students not paying attention to the art on campus; I have seen this sculpture but never really stopped to think about what it stands for or meant to the artist.
