Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Midterm Assignment

Instead of going to class on Tuesday, I met with my writing group to do our midterm assignment.  We decided to meet at the Library obviously because we had to find a mentor text of some sort to help us with our literacy narrative.  I have been in the Library many times but still didn't know which floor was which.  I was told to go to the second floor so when I thought was the second floor I was actually on the third!  Dumb me.  I finally found them on the second floor by the lounge chairs.  We sat down and discussed what our objective was and how we were going to do it.  So... The journy began.

From there we wandered to the third floor in search for a book.  Once we got there we realized we had no idea what we were looking for...  So I suggested we go to a computer to search for one.  Cory searched "mentor text" and "writing" and from there the computer directed us to the 6th floor.  There we looked for this book that we thought would be a good one, but once we found it we realized it was not what we were looking for.  Johnny had the bright idea of googling to find us a book, and sure enough he found one that looked decent.  The book was called "Owl Moon."

I had a picture of the book on my phone but my phone is currently not working and will not send the picture to my email for the life of it!!!!

"Owl Moon" was located on the fifth floor of the library, so we got back on the elevator and prayed we would find it.  Sure enough we did!  We sat in a circle and read through the book.  It was from first person perspective and very detailed.  We got out our pencils and paper and wrote for five minutes in the way the author did.  To my surprise it wasn't too hard.  I expanded on a part of my literacy narrative that I thought was weak and I hope to add it to my paper. 

Overall this experience was very interesting.  Even though it took us a while to find what we wanted, we eventually did and I think it turned out to be a fun, eventful project. 

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