Saturday, October 13, 2012


This past week we had to write in our daybooks about grammar.  Lacy told us to go write anything we want about it, to either say how much you love it or how much you despise it.  I quickly opened my daybook and got out my pencil.  I could not wait to write about this! 

 I personally hate grammar.  I cannot emphasize the word "hate" enough here.  If grammar never existed I would be one happy girl when it comes to writing.  I cannot spell to save my life.  In Elementary school I would always lose the first round of spelling bees and even now I found myself turning to my neighbor asking for how to spell something.  I never know when to use commas and semi-colons.  They just really confuse me for some reason.  Another thing that I am terrible with is word tenses... I tend to talk in past and present tense while talking about the same thing.  I really hate all the red marks that were constantly covering my papers because of all my mistakes. 

 After we wrote in our daybooks about grammar we did an improv game where we just rambled on about what we thought of grammar.  One of the interesting things I learned was that a lot of people dislike and struggle with it as well, it wasn't just me!  But one of my concerns is why do so many people dislike grammar?  What really is so annoying and hard about it?  You would think that since we are in college we would have lots of practice with it and wouldn't hate it as much... Well at least that's what I think!  Unfortunately for me I feel like I will never be good at it, but that doesn't stop me from trying to get better at grammar.   
**Oh and just so you guys know, my computer doesn't have to update to recieve pictures that I send from my phone so I can't get it to work.  And I cannot figure out how to download the update!  Sorry.


  1. Hey Arin,
    FIrst off that heading "Grammar!!!!" really got my attention and I too am not a fan of grammar. I was sucked in when you started to ramble about grammar, because I felt the same way. I dislike the word in the beginning the one with four exclamation points (The title) because I always get mixed up in spelling it grammar or grammer (it must be the one with the "ar" ending because theres a red squiggly line other the "er" one). Another word that I don't like is Than and Then ( I always get these mixed up!). Any ways I really like this post and was waiting for someone to post this one.

  2. Hi Arin! I really liked reading your perspective on grammar. Perhaps we all hate it so much because it constantly points out our imperfections... And yeah, I agree - red pen can get to be so rattling! Maybe it's so frustrating because teachers always expect perfect grammar, yet they all refuse to teach it!! ..or because we don't speak with it in every day life.
