Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mapping Assignment

For our homework assignment we were to find a place at UNCC we had to find a location that we saw literacy.  I thought hard about where to go... then I thought some more... and more... and then I walked into my dorm, Moore Hall, and saw people painting picture frames by the front desk. 

I didn't think anything of it at first but as I was walking by I decided to actually stop and see what they were doing.  You see, there are all sorts of activities that usually go on but I just choose not to interact with them.  I'm not sure why, I just don't.  But anyways... I thought I could connect this to literacy somehow. 

I think that visuals help people connect to text better.  It lets people open their minds and actually map out things.  When I was a kid I read a lot of childrens books.  What I liked about them was the fact that I could look at a picture to help me understand the words on the page.  If it wasn't for art I feel like my childhood experience with reading would not have been very good. 

Another thing that I noticed about Moore was that the RC's and RA's post stuff on the bulletin boards in front of the elevator.  You have no choice to read it as you wait for the elevator.  The board actually gives you a lot of things you can do to get involved as well as all the important dates you need to know academically.  They are really trying to promote ways for us to ingage and get involved at UNC Charlotte. 

For the most part Moore Hall is a pretty boring, but for some reason the past two weeks they have really spiced it up a bunch.  The walls are not as boring, they have fun, engaging activities to do and they post a lot of helpful information for us freshman. 

Like all my other blog post I am unable to put a picture up of my map because it says the file is incompatable to my computer... So sorry about that. 


  1. Hey Arin! It was cool for me to realize how literacy is all around us, whether we pause to realize it or not, even around where we live! Perhaps communication is just part of who we are as humans, and we do it unconciously through everything around us. I like how you mentioned pictures...they were always the selling point for me too!

  2. Arin,

    I thought this activity was cool because we got to see how often we encounter some form of literacy everyday. I completely agree that pictures allow us to better understand what we read cause we can always just look at the pictures. I think it is really interesting how often we do encounter literacy in the places we live even though we dont even realize it!

  3. Hey Arin,

    I thought that this activity was interesting because it made us think of literacy in a new way. I believe this helped open eyes to see that literacy is not just words or writings. Also, I don't know how to put a picture on my blog post either.
