Sunday, November 4, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

In class on Thursday we were given the assignment that has to do with MLA formatting.  Yeah I have heard the word before and kind of knew what it was, but I didn't know exactly what it was or how to do it.  Our task was to research websites that did MLA formatting and to also look more into what it is.  After we did this we were to describe three sources we did with our ethnography project and describe them. 

So, after I did some research and learned more about MLA, I came up with this:

Interview 1:
Arin: Hey do you have a moment to answer a few questions about this sculpture?
Katie: Yeah sure what would you like to know?
Arin: Okay well what is your first impression of this piece?
Katie: I think it is very interesting actually.  I like how even though it is made out of sticks it still looks cool.  To me this is a very odd representation of the human form.  The way one leg is full and the other is skinnier and tapers off is different.  If you look at it from different angles it looks more interesting and you can see more differences in each side of the body.
Arin: Wow that was very detailed thank you! Okay so another question for you, what do you think the artist was trying to say with the piece of art?
Katie: Well I think this piece seems broken, unfinished and unfulfilled.  I am sure there is some sort of narrative behind it.  But maybe the author was trying to leave it open in places and "unfinished" because that's what our lives are like.  We can leave space to grow each day.
Arin: Thank you so much Katie I really appreciate it!
Katie: No problem.

Dangelo, Katie. Personal Interview. 30 October. 2012

- This person really gave me a lot of what she thought about the sculpture.  She looked at it with an open mind and in a completely different way than I did when I first saw it.  This made me think about all the different literacies and how each person might think of them differently. 

Interview 2:
Arin: Hey Micah can I ask you some questions about this sculpture right here?
Micah: Yeah sure as long as you hurry haha.
Arin: Okay I will.  What do you think of this piece?
Micah: I think it looks really weird and deformed.  It seems dull and in an awkward position.
Arin: Do you think the artist did this for a certain reason?
Micah: Well yeah obviously.  I think he probably wanted to make something out of sticks so he made a man out of it. 
Arin: Okay.. How does this piece make you feel?
Micah: It really isn't that exciting so kind of dull.  Definitely not happy though.
Arin: Thanks so much.

Johnson, Micah. Personal Interview. 30 October. 2012

- As you can see Micah gave me a different interpretation of the sculpture, proving my point that not everyone sees it the same way.  There are so many types of literacies in the world attached to different meanings as well.  There is no right or wrong.  It is open for your own judgement.

Artist unknown, Stick Man, n.d, UNC Charlotte Campus, Charlotte NC.
- Being able to take pictures is a wonderful thing.  You can go back and look at them, bringing back memories maybe.  Pictures can be with you at any time too.  Without having "proof" of something it is hard to tell what someone is talking about.   With this picture here, I hope you have a better understanding of what this sculpture looks like.


  1. Hey! Your pictures work again! Looks good! Before the picture, you mentioned how "there is no right or wrong" in judging what something means...Do you really think that's true? If you wrote something in your daybook and someone got a hold of it, and twisted your words to mean something else, how would you feel? Yes, I agree that there are many ways of looking at things, but there is really only one true meaning - the one the artist or writer intended - making contradictory interpretations "wrong."

  2. Hi Arin,

    That stick figure looked nothing like I had imagined it to be. Anyways, I also like your statement " There are so many types of literacies in the world attached to different meanings as well. There is no right or wrong. It is open for your own judgement." I guess that it is what ever the object means to an individual and just wondering if the stick figure is actually made of sticks?
