Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hazel tells LaVerne

In class last week we read a poem called, "Hazel tells LaVerne" to respond for our writing into the day assignment.  I was not really in the mood to go into detail and really tell what I thought about it, so that is what I will do here. 

When I started to read this poem I figured it would be like ever other fairytale.  But as it progressed I realized that this was going to be different.  Hazel has the choice to take the frog with her and love him and kiss him but instead she replies almost rudely to him and says no she will not. 
To me, this was very interesting because in a typical fairytale there is always a happily ever after.  I also figured that since this poem had a frog in it that the girl would end up kissing the frog. 

I looked deeper into this peom because I thought to myself. "There has to be a point and meaning to this poem just like all the others right?"  So when I thought about this I figured out that Hazel was very unlike the stereotypical girl in  fairytale society.  She uses broken English that sounds very hillbillyish.  She turns away from the frog and tells him no, which is different than the typical fairytale that we all are used to. 

One thing that I found interesting was that when I got the piece of paper and looked at it I dreaded reading it.  I dreading reading it because I saw it was a poem.  But... as I was reading the poem became more like a story to me.  It was very easy to read and comprehend. 


  1. I like your analysis of this poem, comparing the given character with the stereotypical fairytale girl. Also, I had a similar reaction at the sight of a poem but I ended up enjoying it, especially with Lacy reading it the way she did. I guess we shouldn't judge a poem by its form ;) Haha!

  2. Arin,

    I like what you had to say about this poem.. I enjoyed how this story was not your typical fairy tale. I think the elements of a classic fairy tale are in this poem but the fact that she does reject the frog and speak "hillbillyish" are elements that I think only added to the story. Haha and even poems are stories to.

  3. Hi Arin,

    I too felt that this poem would be like every other fairytales. At first I thought this was going to be the tale of the "princess and the frog". So, I was also surprised when the girl did something unexpectedly. Instead of picking up the frog and kissing it, she slapped it and said no. That totally shocked me and I thought it was interesting on how you ended with how it was a story.
