Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ethnography Project Reflective Blog

Recently my group and I have completed our final Ethnography Project.  I must say that it is a relief to have it all done!  I have decided to take a look back in time to when we first began this project.  It all started with the Mini Mapping Assignment we did where I had to map out a place on campus where there was a hidden literacy. 

I chose to go with the visual category and that ended up turning into art.  The next day in class we shared what we uncovered and were placed into groups based on our similar categories.  There were three other people who did art, Nora, Cory and Taylor.  We got together and began sharing our thoughts and ideas.

We decided to take the idea of art and think about the different types, leading us to think about sculptures.  So we decided that we would each have a seperate sculpture and interview people about what they think of the piece.  We put together a few questions on what we would ask the people.  After this we conducted a Google document with everyone's interviews.  We thought this would be a good thing to uses because we can edit it at any time and also share it with everyone in the group, including Lacy. 

After we had this done we were king of stumped on what to do next.  How were we suppose to connect all of these to literacy and make it interesting?  We decided to do four acts for each one of us.  We would be doing interviews with discussion in between each interview to respond. 

It seemed like a great idea at first.  We would just have to record our voices and that was that.  In class, we did some research on the different kinds of audo players we could record our voices with, but none of them seemed to work.  Finally we realized that we were going to have to do a video because that would actually show the sculptures.  It would be much easier this way because we could just use iMovie and people could get a visual of what we were talking about. 

So, we met outiside of class on a beautiful day, and got to work.  Prior to us meeting, each of us had to record our interviews and respones so that Nora could record them on her computer.  It did not take us long to get the final copy of our video.  Yeah we had to do a lot of retakes because I would end up laughing but that was one of the fun things about it. 

Overall I really enjoyed this project!  It was a lot of work at times but I still had fun while I was doing it.  It actually wasn't very hard for our group to decided what we were going to do our project on.  Nora is an art major so of course she really wanted to do something with art!  The revision process was a lot.  We would have one good idea then realize it wasn't going to work so we would have to change it.  I couldn't have asked for a better group.  They are awesome.  Everyone put in time to the project, we all got along and we had fun while producing our Ethography.  It was definetely different for me to create a video instead of writing a boring essay about Ethnography.  It helps you see it differently.  If you would like to take another look at our final piece, here it is:



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